Institute of vedic astrology
Institute of vedic astrology
“Our future is in our own hands” and palmistry has the power to reveal a lot of
essential information about our lives. Our hands show us when and where there is any imbalance in our lives that is leading to any sort of disharmony. Many people might not know but palmistry has the power to reveal the root cause of several serious problems in life which may include a potential bankruptcy, infertility issues or even combative work relationship. Once the imbalance is identified, we suggest steps to be taken in order to restore the balance and suggest the ways to repair the same through techniques of drawing more positive circumstances and people into life. The remedial measures are effective in bringing about the desired change in life.
Below are some of the most common issues whose root cause could be analyzed through palmistry and remedies could be suggested:
Marriage: Lack of communication and compatibility in married life.
Financial security: Attitude towards money and financial success.
Romance: Compatibility and navigating through breakups.
Family: Sibling rivalry, parent-child communication, and childhood difficulties—poor grades, bullying, low self-esteem, behavioral problems.
Workplace: Office tension and communication issues with colleagues, etc.
Stress: Lifting depression, eliminating anxiety, purging negative emotions and memories, thinking positively.
Physical Wellbeing: Achieving optimal wellness.
Creativity: Eliminating emotional and spiritual blocks to increase creativity and productivity.
Spirituality: Identifying past life karma, discovering your destiny, developing your spiritual and psychic potential.
Palmistry is a combination of two parts. First known as Chirognomy, which is considered as the study of shape of hand and it includes texture, quality and length of hand and fingers. Second part is known as Chiromancy which is considered as the study of lines over your palm. Joint study of both parts helps predict the future of the person.
Institute of Vedic Astrology offers a
comprehensive course of Palmistry. This course provides the in depth knowledge to students about the minutest details of the lines of life, heart, brain and fate.
Earth hands - Earth hands are defined by a square palm — where the width is equal to the length — and having shorter fingers.
Air hands - Palm is square or rectangular in shape, with long fingers, defined knuckles and low set thumbs.
Water hands - Water hands tend to have a short and oval shaped palm with long and flexible fingers. The length of the palm from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers is equal to the length of the fingers.
Fire hands - Fire hands are defined by a square or rectangular palm, pinkish skin, and shorter fingers. The length of the palm is normally greater than the length of the fingers.
*Earth and Water hands tend to have fewer but deeper palm lines. The major lines are normally well defined, where air and fire hands tend to have a lot of lines and creases with less definition.
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