Friday 8 May 2015


Myth of Palmistry

Palmistry or hand-reading is known for making predictions regarding your life but it does not tell the exact future as the signs and lines on our palms can change. The shapes of our fingers can also change with our lines over the years. It is one of the facts that you are the master of your destiny. As you change, your lines in your hand changes and consequently so does your future.

Some of the common myths associated with palmistry are:

· The exact profession of the person or the career cannot be predicted by palmistry because there are a myriad of professions today. Palmistry can only tell about the natural ability and talents of the person.

· Palmistry cannot tell with any accuracy the number of children that the person will have, nor their names or gender. Not about your relationships with them.

· The date of marriage, divorce and death cannot be told by looking at the hand. Your hand can only tell you about your relationships and the emotional conflicts. Only those relationships which impact your life can be seen on the hand. Similarly the lifeline tells you of the natural vigor of the person and reflects to some extent the overall health.

· Hand-reading does not tell the exact future of your relationship with your spouse as the signs and lines on our palms have the possibility to change. When it comes to the relationship with the spouse, the hands of both the partners in the union needs to be examined.

‘Institute of Vedic Astrology’ offers a comprehensive course of Palmistry. This course will provide the depth knowledge and minutest details of the lines of the palmistry.

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